
I'm sorry if I'm not important enough for you.

So excuse me while I play
In the middle of the road
Where not one car
Passes in half a day

But I am warned
Of the dangers of a hit and run

Yet the cobwebs grow in the corners
And the dust and tumbleweed
Roll through my mind and
Choke me with theological inferiority.

I'm sorry if I'm not normal enough for you.

So excuse me while I ponder
On the trashcan in the corner
Because I'm waiting for a dawning
That won't come before the sunset

And the three quarters on the table
Are useless and worthless for
Everything in life costs a nickel
And nothing's worth a dime
At least not this time.

I'm sorry if I'm not pretty enough for you
I'm uglier still inside if it makes any difference to you.

Just like people change
And hate it...
But know they can't go back
To how they were before

You hate yourself for who you've become
And at the same time
Like yourself on general principles

And hate the world for forcing you to change.

-March 9th, 1999-