Wednesday Morning Geology

A Yuengling bottle cap was stamped in the mud. 
I wish it had been mine. 
I watched my feet flatten grass next to the sidewalk, 
Hid behind my hair and waited 
For a smile I didn't have within me. 
And didn't have the will to fake. 

I came here with no A.P. credits 
And no real sense of life, 
And then became a student of myself, 
Breathing deeply in hope to inhale beauty. 
Everyday I notice myself moving farther 
Away from freshmen who think they're smarter than I once was. 
They spin and see only themselves. 

Volcanic eruptions are nothing at 10:30am, 
When my own body's looking to explode. 
Pompeii victims breathed in ash and suffocated. 
I feel the same way and I'm only breathing air 
And waiting. 

January 16th, 2002